Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Why is young-earth creationism so popular among the ignorant?

According to a poll conducted by Popular Science, over half (56%) of those with less than high school educations believe in 'young-earth' creationism. That number dwindles steadily as education increases to less than 4% among those with Ph.d's.

While religion has always been at war with science (and always lost every battle), I wonder what the attraction is to the un-educated to blindly agree with religion? Do people fear science more than the frightenly violent God of the bible? why?Why is young-earth creationism so popular among the ignorant?
Anyone who doesn't accept Evolution as a fact, is an idiot.

And I'll die saying it.
Because it's easy to understand Creationism. On the other hand, it requires effort, and a but of brainwork, to understand and appreciate natural selection.Why is young-earth creationism so popular among the ignorant?
isn't that interesting ?...and did you know that the whole world reads and takes polls in popular science?Why is young-earth creationism so popular among the ignorant?
Easier to get their heads around I suspect. To understand evolution one has to think, whereas creationism doesn't take any thought at all.
What's really stupid is believing poles that are bias!

No one fears GOOD science.
Evolution and the accuracy of Carbon dating are taught as if they are indisputable facts in Colleges/Universities. If you want to think for yourself and question those theories you will get an "F" on many assignments.
Because they get "headaches" when they "start think'n too hard about that kinda sh*t"!

"If-an they thought about that type of stuff all the time they wouldn't have no room left over for Wrestling, Critter-hunt'n, Monster Truck Rallys, and getti'n mouth Cancer."

"Get your mind right Luke!"

It's an easy answer. It requires nothing more than faith.

The only people whose faith is genuinely threatened by evolution are those who insist on a literal interpretation of the Bible. Faith and evolution are not always incompatible.

Unfortunately, to understand evolution and the millions of bits of separate scientific evidence, all of which back up evolution, requires effort.

I agree that the Old Testament God comes of as frightening. Richard Dawkins called him "a sexist genocidal vain jealous bully."

A lot of these people trying to force creationism down the rest of our throats fit that description as well. It's easier to be that way than to crack a science book and challenge your beliefs.
So, who carried out this survey... oh, I see. And if the Church carried out the survey, the results would obviously be invalid, yes ? Why is "science" so believed by the educated. Because they have never been wrong ? Ha ! Have you carried out those same experiments that science tells you are true ? Show me your written work on carbon dating. Your dissertation on how neutrinos can exist. Your explanation of dark matter. E=mc2 (whoops, bad example, I did the proof of that in high school physics). What, you believe because a group of people told you it's all true ? Without you actually seeing the proof ? What sort of ignoramus are you ?

Yes, I believe in evolution. I just don't believe science knows all, about everything, and is infallible.
No, it is a testament to the sad state of public education in the US.
Your question answers itself. Science is beyond the comprehension of these people. They will believe what they like to believe. They want to believe they have chosen the right religion and it makes them special. They believe they will get to go to eternal paradise and live forever. Ignorance is bliss.
As John B points out, Creationism is easy to understand: it requires no critical thought, just acceptance.

Science on the other hand is hard. It's difficult and often not intuitive. It requires patience and knowledge and expertise to bring to fruition. As such it require a bit more than simple faith to understand.

The bottom line is that some people are just too dumb to understand science.

EDIT: Like Patrick K, for example.
You are mistaken - it is the PhD's who are ignorant of God's word. They might win the battle of scientific debate (mediated by worldly judges), but their science will not protect them from the judgment of the almighty.

Science says that sulphur melts at 473 degrees centigrade - that's pretty damn hot, and that's the heat you are going to be under for all of eternity unless you accept that the earth was created in six literal days 6000 years ago.

Yes, I have a scientific degree in Botany. I'm not belittling anyone, I'm just stating the fact that anyone who does not believe the truth is going to Hell.
Just out of curiosity, do you have a college degree?

Only uneducated people belittle others, because they do not know a better way of interacting with people.
Why do some people assume that one has to be uneducated to believe in creationism when there are MANY scientists and professors who believe in it? Why is it that so many people use these ridiculous polls to support their opinion, when polls are NOT always an indication of reality, but a SAMPLING of wherever the poll was taken?

Here, have some reality, it's a VERY long list of scientists, doctors, and college professors who believe in the Biblical account of creationism:

If it is going to become popular, it could only do so among the most uneducated, considering how dumb it is. Still, dumb people do appreciate the fact that even they can understand the basic tenets.
That is a false news given to you. False census. False on everything. Yet you are false creation.


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