Friday, January 27, 2012

Are American Evangelicals who deny global warming reinforcing the popular opinion that we are anti-science?

And would we be wise to avoid provoking contempt toward the Gospel by attracting controversy and contempt toward us in such a way that people will assume that the Bible itself is anti-science?Are American Evangelicals who deny global warming reinforcing the popular opinion that we are anti-science?
Evangelicals or not;global warming has been repeatedly and publicly demonstrated in the past few months to be a complete farce.The scientists who promote it are total liars.Even Al Gore has been in hiding lately.No serious person believes the global warming bunk any more.
Yes, they are. They hurt the brand of Christianity by choosing to concern themselves with business profit over being good stewards of the earth.

Think about it: If you really read the Bible, you know the ground is cursed and the creation is groaning. You know it's rotting away. Why accelerate that process? Because a handful of conservatives who lie about their faith say so?Are American Evangelicals who deny global warming reinforcing the popular opinion that we are anti-science?
not an evangelical but global warming is mostly a scare tactic to create a commodity (carbon credits) = money out of thin air... pure alchemy hehe..

The temperature of the earth is constantly fluctuating and there is no set thermostat, remember the dinosaurs? That's what you'll be someday.Are American Evangelicals who deny global warming reinforcing the popular opinion that we are anti-science?
Not only anti-science but it also seems as though many evangelicals don't care about the environement because what is the point of taking care of the earth if Jesus is going to be back in a few years anyway.

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