Thursday, January 26, 2012

Atheists: who are your favourite popular science authors?

Jared Diamond -- "Guns, Germs and Steel" is a MUST read.

Richard Dawkins -- "The Selfish Gene" was incredible; "The God Delusion", not so much.

I'm going to throw out some other names of authors who write... I guess you'd call it philosophy with sound understanding of science.

Daniel Quinn -- Start with "Ishmael" and you'll probably want to read the rest. Basically it's "Guns, Germs and Steel" but in narrative form with a really powerful call to action. It was through Quinn's books that I first discovered Dawkins, Diamond, etc, years ago.

Robert Anton Wilson -- He puts the Science back into Science Fiction. Author, futurist, guerrilla ontologist, philosopher, Discordian Pope... what more could you ask for? He's great if you want to do some thinking about thinking and have a laugh at the same time. Imagine if Douglas Adams actually had an advanced degree in science and was on some pretty hard drugs, that's RA Wilson for you.

Derrick Jensen -- Not the best writer, but some very interesting opinions on the world we live in. Daniel Quinn is far more articulate so start with him instead.

Buckminster Fuller -- Haven't gotten around to reading anything of his, but I intend to.Atheists: who are your favourite popular science authors?
Carl Sagan
I like Dune and Childhood's End.Atheists: who are your favourite popular science authors?
Does Voltaire count? He really doesn't, but I'm gonna go with him anyway. My crush is too severe to not put his name down.Atheists: who are your favourite popular science authors?
Carl Sagan

Aurthur C. Clarke

Issac Asimov

Frank Herbert
Sagan, Einstein, Hawking, Dawkins.... to name a few. Oh, yes, forgot Asimov.
A brief history of time By Stephen Hawking
Michio Kaku, Brian Greene.

That's about it.
Hawkin, Dawkins, Jay Gould, Sagen, Singh, Plait, Myers .... I could go on and on!
Im sorry but i have to throw in a cliche, i really enjoy Dawkins' books, im just getting through "Ancestors tale" (by Dawkins) right now, i also immensly enjoyed John Gribbins "In search of Shrodingers cat".

Yeah just read the answer below me, and it reminded me that i like Marcus Chown as well.

I reccomend both books, but then i reccomend all science and most books...
Marcus Chown, Carl Sagan (of course) and Richard Dawkins (not for THAT book, he's written some brilliant stuff about evolution).

Bill Bryson also wrote a fantastic book called A Brief History of Almost Everything - all about science, although he's better known as a travel writer.
Douglas Adams

Isaac Asimov

Warren Ellis
Darwin, Freud, anyone who writes about human ancestors.
Sagan, Gould, Dawkins, and whoever I happen to be reading at the moment (today it's Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman).
Stephan Hawking and the writer of Guns Germs and Steel
Richard Dawkins

Steven Mithen

Stephen J Gould

Ed O Wilson

Stephen Pinker

David Quamann

Sean B Carroll

Robin Dunbar

Chris Stringer

Desmond Morris

Franz De Wall

Richard Fortey

Susan Blackmore

Dava Sobel

Jared Diamond

Bryan Sykes

I read a lot.
Michio Kaku
Issac Asimov

Aurthur C. Clarke

Douglas Adams

Richard Dawkins

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