Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is gods existence merely popular opinion run a muck?

How do things become true? Is it by acceptance of the masses? or is it based on proof? OR is proof subjective and the only real truth is that which can be accepted by the ruling majority?

So Without proof and just based off of popular opinion which may be passed down for generations as fact is this how god came into existence? or rather the idea of god, people living in a society without science, without truth only assumptions to guide them. Is this in fact how God came into being? And is it wise to follow assumptions made on nothing more than popular opinion?Is gods existence merely popular opinion run a muck?
Just real quick.....

The work is 'amok' not 'a muck'
I have an very powerful imaginary friend that I can not prove to you exists.

But if you believe he exists he will be your friend and you will come to realize that he is real.

You will feel the holy psychological satisfaction of spirit when you reflect on your belief in my friend and realize that you know you believe it.

I have many other people that also believe in my imaginary friend and many iconic and admirable historical figures have also professed belief in my imaginary friend.

But should you decide you do not believe in my friend.

He will get you.

Well when you die he will get you.

And you will be punished for all of eternity because you could not bring yourself to believe in my really nice loving imaginary pal.

So what have you got to lose?

Do you believe in my friend?

I should think that in this age we could move past such superstitious non-sense.Is gods existence merely popular opinion run a muck?
Don't worry about the opinions of others--popular or not. Better, watch out as the evidence of the truthfulness of the following scriptures unfold in front of your very eyes...

Matthew 11:25 ((American Standard Version)

“At that season Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding, and didst reveal them unto babes”

2 Thessalonians 2:11 (American Standard Version)

And for this cause God sendeth them a working of error, that they should believe a lie.”

2 Corinthians 4:4 (New International Version)

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 (English Standard Version)

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.Is gods existence merely popular opinion run a muck?
wow, wish I could answer all of those questions. I never really doubted god until I went to high school. I went to a catholic girls school and one of the nuns told us one day not to take the bible word for word. It was just a book written thousands of years ago to show people in ancient times the proper way to a propaganda thing.
It's not popular's mass delusion
precisely. its a comfortable illusion.
Religion sells guilt and fear using a god for both.
Ask the creators of Zeus..
Science claims, that the existence or non existence of "God" cannot be proven either way. Actually, the "proof is in the pudding" (subjective). It is not about feelings (although the spin-off from the results sometimes, will make you feel "good" inside), it is about relationship. Within this spiritual relationship, God will prove more than just His existence but will unfold before you an opportunity, far beyond this temporary, transitory life of ours, which exceeds this current life and transcends on into eternity. It is not about numbers (majority rules) but again, about the degree of ones spiritual relationship with God, that affords hope, encouragement, strength, value, to its authentic believers. God created Science, so that mankind can behold the fascination of the Universe as he discovers more and more. Science is the study pertaining to matter; whereas, Theology (study of God) pertains to the spiritual (non matter). Both, require one another, as Einstein has referred to in his own, genius. Like your own parents, God was here first and ensures us all (entire human race ever, born, of a secure future, unlike that of today, in the light of this world's current problems, war, unresolvable economic woes, crime, Terrorism, etc. "Popular opinion" does not even, factor in, as God is very real to those, who have cultivated a spiritual relationship with him. The point is either, this world has had it or there is a God, who will step in to rescue us all from this hopeless state of being, the world is heading quickly, into even, more. Science, of it self somehow, is not doing the "trick". Really; does man have All of the answers - look around you and you will be able to answer this for yourself.
  • great wear
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