Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Will sciences like acupuncture and homoeopathy become more popular?

Now that acupuncture and other alternative methods like homoeopathy are generally recognized by mainstream medicine, will these techniques become even more popular, because of more funds for research?Will sciences like acupuncture and homoeopathy become more popular?
Acupuncture and homeopathy aren't recognized by mainstream medicine, which means your entire question is superfluous. There is still no evidence any of it works beyond placebo. Both lack scientific plausibility too.

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Will sciences like acupuncture and homoeopathy become more popular?
What a genius

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Will sciences like acupuncture and homoeopathy become more popular?
Science?! Not one of those things are based on science! Where did you get the idea that mainstream medicine has recognized those quack practices?

Acupuncture claims that sticking needles into meridians or flows of chi will heal someone. Never mind than chi has never been measured nor meridians do not have a physiologic basis.

Homeopathy is a laughable pseudoscientific BS that claims that "like cures like" but only if it's diluted so many times that not one molecule of the substance is left. You're left with water. The claims that there is such a thing as water memory still has not yet been proven and will most probably never be.

Just last year, there was a report that after years of study and billions spent, alternative medicine has not shown any benefit at all. This is exactly the opposite of what you just claimed.

Here is the link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31190909/
Acupuncture and homeopathy are NOT sciences.

They both lack theoretical and biophysical plausibility. When tested in robust scientific trials they fail to perform better than placebo.

Neither are recognized by mainstream medicine, and too much research funding has been waisted on them already.

Homeopathy is under enormous fire from science at the moment, especially in the UK. Its popularity is declining. Have you looked into homeopathy? It's completely preposterous - the remedies contain no active ingredients.

See: http://www.1023.org.uk/
Australian Medibank Private is one of the biggest health insurance funds and covers acupuncture, homeopathy and other alternative treatments. Theses treatments are already popular (over 60% of Australia uses alternative medicine) and the health insurance companies here are taking notice. :)

Your question is based on a false premise, that acupuncture and homeopathy are recognized aka accepted by SBM. They aren't. Awareness would be a more appropriate word.

Considering the lack of evidence behind them, it would be a shame if they became more popular than they are now.

Edit: You misspelled pseudoscience.

Edit: Acupuncture and homeopathy are not sciences.
Give it time, just give it time.

That is what the Pharma Moloch knows as well and they will try to stop this progress by any means.

The first one is - they started making the Natural product under some "sister cover" companies.

Only with the help of Nature (provided by the complementary health and wellness industry), in forms of overdose on certain missing vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes and hormones can start the healing process of the sick and needy.

Most of anything else - including the mighty and modern Western medicine - is just prolonging the pain and suffering.

Thanks to the bad management, corruption and greedy Medical establishments in some countries, it's leaving the 'Nos Populus' in never ending financial struggle and debts.

Professor Siegfried Erwin von Kaunitz, MD, PhD
They aren't recognized by mainstream medicine.

Most studies show acupuncture is an elaborate placebo and no one in their right mind would support homeopathy given it's absurdity and wealth of negative data.
It will still take some time before science really understands the profound working of many techniques.

But that doesn't mean anything for its popularity.

Popularity has nothing to do with the effectiveness.

And I don't see a direct relationship between funds and popularity.

Except for the fact that corrupt decisions are taken. But these corrupt

decisions will slowly die out, don't worry.

It's simply something of the Pisces Age that will die out soon. So there will be much less funds whatsoever. Because funds are often corrupt, if you look at them in the long term.
Hey, people buy water, so there is no telling....

Statistics is the entire foundation of the scientific method - there is the null hypothesis (the object of your experiement has no effect) and the alternative hypothesis (the object of your experiment does have an effect) and you need those rascally numbers to determine which one is true.

Without statistics, all you have is wishful thinking.
what once may have been science turns to pseudo-science under the corrupting influence of the lust for profit. there is no hope of anything but bad results. such is the example of conventional allopathy. it doesn't see what it doesn't want to see, such as the truth that it is: a failure at restoring health, causes disease, bankrupts people and takes the lives of millions. further, it works to suppress any and all who can do better, just for filthy lucre's sake.

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